Incredible Found Photos That Capture Street Scenes of San Francisco After the 1906 Earthquake

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake struck the coast of Northern California at 5:12 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18 with an estimated moment magnitude of 7.9 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme). High intensity shaking was felt from Eureka on the North Coast to the Salinas Valley, an agricultural region to the south of the San Francisco Bay Area. Devastating fires soon broke out in the city and lasted for several days.

Thousands of homes were dismantled. As a result, up to 3,000 people died and over 80% of the city of San Francisco was destroyed. The events are remembered as one of the worst and deadliest earthquakes in the history of the United States. The death toll remains the greatest loss of life from a natural disaster in California's history and high in the lists of American disasters.
These incredible photos of the San Francisco 1906 Earthquake and Fire came to the San Francisco Public Library in 1975. The photos were discovered in the San Francisco Police Department Photo Lab in the Hall of Justice. The photographer is not known. It is believed that the the San Francisco Police Department photo laboratory was used as an emergency center for photographers immediately after the 1906 catastrophe.

Street scenes of San Francisco after the earthquake, April 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


General view, 1906


Guerrero and 17th Streets Looking Northwest, 1906


Holy Cross Church, 1906


J. Schweitzer Company, 1906


Jefferson Square refugee camp, 1906


Lobos Square refugee camp in the Marina, 1906


Marina, 1906


Marina, 1906


Mills Building, northeast corner of Montgomery & Bush Streets, 1906


Mission Dolores Church, Dolores and Sixteenth Streets, 1906


Moulder Warehouse, 1906


Nob Hill, 1906


Nob Hill, 1906


Pierce Rudolph Storage on Eddy Street between Fillmore and Webster Streets, 1906


Portland Jewelry Company, 1906


Presidio refugee camp, 1906


Refugee camp in Golden Gate Park near McLaren Lodge, 1906


Refugee camp in Golden Gate Park, 1906


Refugee camp in Golden Gate Park, 1906


Refugee camp in Jefferson Square Park, 1906


Refugee camp in Jefferson Square Park, 1906


Refugee camp in Lafayette Square Park, 1906


Refugee camp in Portsmouth Square, 1906


Refugee camp, 1906


Refugee camp, 1906


Refugee camp, 1906


Russian Hill with Octagon House, 1906


Russian Hill, 1906


Saint Boniface Church, 1906


Saint Francis Church, 1906


Saint Luke Church, 1906


Saint Mary's Church, 1906


Saint Mary's Church, 1906


Saint Mary's Church, 1906


Sansome Street, 1906


Street typist, 1906


Third and Brannan Streets looking up 3rd, 1906


Third and Brannan Streets looking west on Brannan, 1906


Third and Folsom Streets, 1906


Union Square, 1906


Union Square, 1906


View east on Post St. past Shreve & Co. Building, 210 Post St., still standing, 1906


View from Nob Hill looking east, 1906


View from Nob Hill looking east, 1906


View from Nob Hill, 1906


View near Portsmouth Square, 1906


View of the Waterfront, 1906


Call Building, 1906


Citizen's National Bank, 1906


City Hall Avenue in the Civic Center and Pioneer Monument, 1906


City Hall, 1906


City Hall, 1906


Crocker Building on Market Street, 1906


Fairmont Hotel, 1906


Ferry Building, 1906


Fire scene from Jefferson Square Park with refugees, April 1906


Fire scene from Jefferson Square, April 1906


Fire scene on Third Street above Mission Street, April 1906


First and Harrison Streets looking southeast, 1906


Flood Mansion, 1906


Folsom Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets, 1906


General view of the waterfront, 1906